Poulin lab

 Understanding the function and malfunction of dopamine circuits


We’re now opened at The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute).  Our lab aims at understanding the formation of genetically-defined dopamine circuits during development, as well as how these circuits are impaired in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases.  To do so, we use a vast array of approaches in transgenic mice including circuit tracing approaches, behavioural assays, in vivo calcium imaging, optogenetic, etc. Please contact us if you want to help.

Principal investigator

Jean-Francois Poulin (PhD)

BSc: University of British Columbia, Psychology

PhD: University Laval, Neurobiology

Postdoc: Raj Awatramani’s lab at Northwestern University

Publications: Pubmed,  Google scholar, or Researchgate

Random facts about him: 

1) Dr. Poulin doesn’t like to write about himself in the third person.

2) He was a fierce Street Fighter II player in the 90’s

3) He likes to listen to Sigur Rós while writing grants

4) He thinks he is funny … yes … he seriously thinks he is


George Sung (PhD candidate)

BSc: McGill University, Biochemistry

MSc: McGill University, Biochemistry

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Kalle Gehring

Random facts about George: 

1) George is currently battling an addiction to bubble tea

2) He is a master structural biologist (Proof!!!)

3) He is first violin in the I Medici di McGill 

Cameron Oram (PhD candidate)

BSc: McGill University, Biochemistry

MSc:  University of British Columbia, Pathology and laboratory medicine

Random facts about Cameron: 

1) Suffers from scientific FOMO (i.e. fear of missing out)

2) The lab’s reference for Deeplab Cut 

3) Wish we could have five lab meetings per week

Kelvin Tian (MSc candidate)

BSc: Queen’s University

Random facts about Kelvin: 

1) Once, he dared to say out load that “The Beatles” were overrated

2) He is one of Oasis greatest fan and was caught in the lab staring at a Wonderwall.

3) Hold the lab record for the most PCR reactions

Cyril Bolduc (PhD candidate)

BSc: Laval University, Biomedical sciences

MSc: Laval University, Neurobiology

Random facts about Cyril: 

1) Apparently makes an excellent “Crème brulée”

2) He holds the lab record for the biggest poster ever

3) The lab has never been more neat and orderly than since he joined

Haleigh Bach (MSc candidate)

BSc: University of Dalhousie, Psychology and Biology 

Random facts about Haleigh: 

1) Haleigh plans on kicking ass in grad school with her capoeira

2) She is not scared to take on crazy projects

3) An iceberg of calmness floating on an ocean of chaos (… I don’t know what this means)

Maybe You (BSc, MSc, PhD, etc)

BSc: The best university

PhD: not necessary… but might also be from the university above

Random facts about you: 

1) You think solving though problems is fun

2) You like to read scientific article in you spare time (like this one for example)

3) If you join this lab, you will see your picture here


Sarah Martin (MSc)

BSc: University of Victoria, Biology and Psychology

Random facts about Sarah: 

1) Sarah can spend hours contemplating the cuteness of mice

2) She can’t say no to a trip to Disneyworld

3) Sarah is the first student that graduated from the Poulin  Lab


2024-2025          Souren  Farimani                           B.Sc. McGill

2024-2025          Mikael Nakamura Vernet        B.Sc. McGill

2023-2024          Cédric Campeau                            MD


2023-2024          Isabella Di Matteo           B.Sc. McGill

2023-2024          Gabriella Talbot                 B.Sc. McGill

2020-2023          Lucia Guerra                        Laboratory technician

2023                        Maulie Beauchemin       Collège Ste-Anne

2022-2023          Ryan Huang                         B.Sc. McGill

2022-2023          Raif Haddad                         B.Sc. McGill

2021-2022          Mélia Venditto                   Collège Ste-Anne

2021-2022          Shayla Hellsten                  B.Sc. McGill         

2021                        Valentine Greffion          Master, Sorbonne Université 

JUN 2024